Burton Bradstock, Bridport Autumn Term

Welcome to our first newsletter. 

Our Forest School sessions are such fun and we just wanted to share with you what we get up to.

Each Thursday, Two classes, travel along the footpath and across Sunshine Bridge with Miss Osborne,  to the amazing site where our Forest school takes place. 

Our new Little Chicks, along with their Wagtail friends have started their sessions and they have been so busy. We started by looking at our site and discussing some rules and boundaries. This helps to keep us and our friends safe. Learning new games to play and songs to sing about the world around us.  As it’s Autumn there is so much to see, leaves are changing colour and there are still plenty of bugs to be hunted. We have been exploring our senses, Touch, Sight, Smell, Taste and hearing. Trying some new fruits, creating new characters from natural loose parts and making a natural weaving. 

Our second class, Robins have been lucky to have their session too. Exploring the site and seeing what Forest School is all about. We identified the trees in our Forest school area, and always a firm favourite created our own Shelters from tarpaulins, pegs and ropes. Lots of bugs have been hunted and we ended our sessions with a Fire and toasted crumpets. The Robins have been amazing and all earned a certificate showing their own particular skill that they have really excelled in. Well Done.

Both classes have a scrapbook with lots of photographs and quotes from the children about their sessions should you wish to see what else they have been up to. Also, see the schools' Facebook page for the odd photograph or two. 

The after-school club also runs on Thursdays. Please book HERE  We have lots of activities on offer. We often have a fire, with treats and use tools. Of course, we make Dens, Hunt for Bugs and have  craft activities as well. Please provide full waterproof weather clothing as we try and go down to the site as often as we can. 

We also run an awesome holiday club just up the road in Bridport, all primary school age children are welcome, please check out our BOOK NOW page to our December dates.

Posted by Kelly Osborne on November 10th 2023

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