Wool Primary - Meet your Forest School Leader!

Meet Jo

Jo is equipped with a wealth of knowledge and skills gained from 20 years as a primary school teacher. She understands the needs of schools and is able to match outdoor learning to the curriculum as well as understanding the need for child-led exploration. She is passionate to develop curiosity, self belief and confidence in all her sessions.

'I grew up in the fields of Suffolk, I enjoyed making mud pies and dens in ditches as a child. I am a lover of camping and relaxing in hammocks, I am always looking an excuse to be outdoors. I can often be found exploring with my family, walking my dog Otto around the Dorset woodlands or foraging the coast on a paddleboard. I love to travel and I have had several global adventures. This summer I went to Costa Rica to explore the rainforest and no doubt bring back some tasty recipes'.

Hello Wool Primary!

At Wool Primary this term children have been practicing their knots and survival skills. Using their knowledge wisely to create dens and crafts. The mud kitchen is always a popular choice (in all year groups) and all manner of delicious mud snacks have been provided, helping to develop our mud restaurant. Menus are full of all sorts of tempting treats!

We have great ideas for the year ahead and hope to really develop our forest school area this year. We look forward to planting and nurturing the garden area

At lunch times we have started a new Eco Club. In this club we will be working with our new eco committee to make the school more sustainable and teach others about how to be more environmentally friendly. 

Posted by Jo Childs on September 22nd 2023

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